Mobile Food Pantries

Wayside collaborates with Portland Housing Authority (PHA), Portland Community Policing, Avesta Housing, and South Portland West End Neighborhood Association to deliver groceries to five neighborhoods where residents are at risk of food insecurity but experience barriers to other supplemental food resources due to transportation or mobility challenges. High-quality groceries enable individuals and families to prepare meals and support families working together to improve eating habits. The pantries offer valuable opportunities for neighbors to help each other if someone cannot attend or has challenges carrying the food.

Hand reaching for pot illustration

Our Mobile Food Pantries occur monthly at the following locations:


1st Thursday each month

Bayside Anchor/Kennedy Park Neighborhood

81 East Oxford Street, Portland

(across the street)

11 AM

2nd Thursday each month

Washington Gardens Neighborhood

577 Washington Ave, Portland

(end of Pembroke St)

10:30 AM

3rd Thursday each month

West End Neighborhood

17 Carleton Street, Portland

(parking lot behind)

11 AM

4th Thursday each month

Redbank/SoPo Neighborhood

2 Townhouse Drive, South Portland

(1st left off Brickhill Ave, 1st little red building on left)

12 PM

“Food and shelter are, without argument, the keystones of stability, making Wayside's collaboration with housing agencies crucial to the visible and invisible safety net that supports so many households across Cumberland County.”

- Teyonda Hall, Resident Services Director, Portland Housing Authority
Weekly Lunches & Dinners, Mobile Food Pantries, Kids Snacks & Kitchen Sharing